The Rise of the Mid Length

Did you scratch your way through the early 2000s on PRO shortboards that resembled chopsticks? Remember those boards that paddled horrendously for ninety per cent of the surfing population – causing people to miss the set of the day and run out of energy after half an hour paddling against the sweep. Luckily, over the last decade we’ve seen the glorious rise of the mid-length.
There’s lots to love about the mid-length. For starters, they’re a great alternative to your fish for small days: cruising long-green walls, pushing your partner into the whitewash close to shore, or seeing your kid stand-up for the first time without having to worry that your old 9’6 log is going to take someone out.
But mid-lengths aren’t just for 2 ft days. The extra length and rail line in the water means you can practice that down carve you’ve been trying to master on the groomed winter groundswells with a board that won’t skid out. The Elemnt Mid-Length includes a low rocker curve coupled with subtle roll & a vee bottom which provides better manoeuvrability than a longboard while also giving you extra paddle power on those bigger days to maximise the amount of time in the water. The design also ensures there’s plenty of pivot off the top – you’ll be surprised how easy you can turn a board with more length!
The Elemnt Mid-Length is available from 6’8 – 8’0. There’s multiple options for fin placement available depending on whether you’re chasing a single fin, or a 2+1 set-up.
You’ll never miss that set wave again!